Ray Pfefferkorn

Golden Age Home board of directors, Vice-President

Hello, I'm Ray Pfefferkorn, and I currently serve as the Vice-President of the Board at Golden Age Home Assisted Living. In addition to my role as Vice-President, I also fill in as Secretary, diligently drafting meeting minutes and managing weekly check signings. My primary contribution is dedicating my time and effort to assist wherever I can.

My journey with Golden Age Home is deeply personal and rooted in my history with Lockhart. Born in the Lockhart Hospital in April 1959, I've grown up alongside GAH. My great uncle, Lee Pfefferkorn, was among the first staff to open GAH, and some of my earliest memories are of visiting him and my great aunt Stella Pfefferkorn there. This lifelong connection inspired me to join the board.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a board member is witnessing the exceptional commitment of both the GAH staff and my fellow board members. It's fulfilling to know that our collective efforts help keep the residents' rates reasonable, ensuring that we serve our primary purpose: the well-being of our residents.

Living in Caldwell County enhances my ability to contribute to GAH significantly. It allows me to be present and actively assist at GAH more frequently. Additionally, being part of the local community provides numerous opportunities to engage others in contributing and volunteering for GAH.

My faith plays a significant role in my service at GAH. I strive to embody servant leadership, both on the Board and within the organization, guiding my actions and decisions.

Outside of my board responsibilities, I enjoy being involved in my community through the local Kiwanis club. One of our rewarding projects is building wheelchair ramps with the Texas Ramp Project. Additionally, as a Trustee for the First Methodist Lockhart church, I work with a dedicated group to maintain our aging facility, which parallels the challenges and rewards of keeping GAH running smoothly.

I believe flexibility and empathy are crucial skills for the success of a non-profit organization. By actively participating and showing empathy towards residents, staff, and fellow board members, we can foster a supportive and effective environment.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit about me. If you're inspired by our mission and interested in contributing to Golden Age Home, I encourage you to join us and make a difference in our community.