Wes Boullioun

Golden Age Home board of directors, President

Hello, I'm Wes Boullioun, and I currently serve as the President of the Board of Directors at Golden Age Home Assisted Living. One of my most impactful contributions to GAH has been working with the team to increase the salary and wage structure for our employees, making our compensation more competitive than ever before. Looking ahead, I hope to be part of the team that transitions GAH from an assisted living facility in an aging building to an organization that caters to seniors with varying needs in a modern facility, ensuring we can better serve more people in the future.

My journey with GAH began when a friend nominated me to join the Board, believing in my clear thinking and compassion for people. I accepted the role because I didn't want to let down those who saw potential in me. This experience has been unexpectedly enriching, exposing me to incredible people who have challenged me to grow and stretch my personal boundaries.

The most rewarding aspect of being a board member is the interaction with people I have come to love and respect. Although I reside in Guadalupe County, my commitment to GAH remains unwavering.

My spiritual life and faith are not just parts of who I am—they are the core of my being. Virtually everything I do stems from my faith, including my service here at GAH. I have always cared deeply about helping others. In college, despite having no monetary assets, I donated blood every six weeks because it was important to me. Over the past forty years, I have volunteered with organizations such as Contact Lubbock, Kairos Prison Ministry, and Bridges to Life Prison Ministry. I am also a Stephen Minister and a Certified Lay Speaker, having spoken about alcoholism to various groups, including church congregations, Boy Scouts, prison groups, and schools. Giving back is my way of expressing gratitude for the blessings God has given me.

Outside of my board responsibilities, I am an avid athlete. I was an enthusiastic runner for many years, completing 19 marathons, including the Boston Marathon three times, until my body could no longer handle the strain. Now, I am passionate about cycling, hiking, kayaking, and exploring nature.

From a leadership perspective, I believe in hiring good people and empowering them to take ownership of their roles. This approach is crucial for the success of any non-profit organization.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about me. If you feel inspired by our mission and the work we do at Golden Age Home, I encourage you to consider joining our Board of Directors. Your unique skills and dedication can help us continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of seniors in our community. Together, we can shape a brighter future for those we serve.